It is a word we hear often but it really doesn’t evoke any real emotional response, does it? Well let’s try to break it down to make it more personal. How about defining it as this. Never Give Up. Yea, that sounds better. But what really does that mean? Maybe it means no matter how difficulty the situation you may be experiencing – to keep moving forward and don’t stop moving forward no matter what. That sounds better. It’s starting to make sense now. But this fight seems like a lonely one, one with no one to help us. Most definitely, we all need help fighting life’s battles, don’t we, especially the really hard one’s. The one’s in which we feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of what lies ahead.
I may have an answer for those moments when we feel stuck – when we feel down and out – trying to fight these battles all alone. That answer lies in two of the most powerful assets God has given to mankind. These are Hope and Faith. The best thing is they are free and we already have them. So before you think about giving up on that specific obstacle or perhaps giving up on life, PLEASE, remember what you have at your disposal. Hope means to never give up. Faith is exercising hope every day. Believing that you are going to make it through whatever it is you are struggling with.
Oh, I almost forgot. You won’t be alone when you do this because when you do, the most important and most powerful person in the universe will take over and help you from here on out. (See you won’t be alone). He will put people, events in your life just at the right time to help you. .When it does happen, it will blow you mind how God really loves you. All you have to do is Persevere.
Persevere = never giving up = hope and faith = miracles. Go ahead don’t believe me. Try if for yourself. But be careful. When it happens to you, the only thing is asked of you is to tell everyone about what just happened to you.
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