Delivering a powerful message of how God works in our lives, Never Lose Sight encourages those facing challenges to never give up. It inspires others to reach out to God for comfort and healing.
At the age of twenty-six in 1990, author Steven Super was on his way to fulfilling his dream. He had earned his certified public accountant license and worked for the third-largest accounting firm internationally. He was on his way to earning another degree in taxation, and his goal was to open his own small accounting firm. Soon to be engaged, he had it all planned. By age thirty-two, he would be married, have a family, and become a successful entrepreneur.
But November 12, Super experienced a sudden and devastating loss of vision, destroying his career and the life he had known. In Never Lose Sight, he shares his story, a story filled with all the hopes of a young man fighting to get back to the way he was. Super narrates his journey of desperation, determination, rebuilding, and the love of a young lady who believed in him.